"I prefer young people"
He doesn't realize the effect that the words have on me. We all will be in that place : old. As I was saying in a previous post, I believe in karma and having this attitude towards old people can't bring anything good.
It will probably be a time when I will stop people on the street to talk with them and I will try to share some of my wisdom (I hope that I will gather some until then)... I would like that instead of having a "She's the crazy old woman who talks with whoever listens" reaction, people would actually stop, smile and truly listen to what I have to say.
I would like to tell him the ancient line "Who doesn't have elder figures, should buy some" but I stop, because I know that the older person he is talking about isn't such a nice presence. Who am I to tell him that kindness comes from the heart and it should be for everybody.
I remember that not so many years ago I had a very bad reaction at my parents advices. How wrong was I... Instead of appreciating what they had to say, I was seeing myself as the person who knew best. I was just a teenager. Now I have my ears wide open to any words that my mom or my dad have for me. I try to listen first and act after.
I know that probably some of you won't understand... but wisdom comes with age...
Cred că este mai greu dacă nu chiar imposibil să fi oprit pe stradă de oameni necunoscuţi pentru a purta un diaog prin care să fie împărtăşite idei înţelepte. Mai ales astăzi când fiecare merge pe stradă cu gândurile lui şi analizează cum să-şi clasifice lipsurile ce le duce în spinare.
RăspundețiȘtergereAr trebui sa va mutati in Norvegia. Aici astepti autobuzul si fara sa realiezi incepi o conversatie cu alte persoane care asteapta. Totul porneste de la o intrebare "A trecut cumva autobuzul?" sau "Ma scuzati, am auzit ca vorbeati de vreme, ei bine... " si tot asa ... La cat de vorbareata sunt, mi-am gasit locul :))))